Welcome to One Eighty Parenting

HOPE for every family.

One Eighty Parenting provides education and support for parents struggling with difficult behaviors.

Specializing in Trauma Responsive Care for families walking the journey of foster care, adoption, divorce and traumatic stress.

Schedule a free Introductory call today.

Schedule a free Introductory call today.

From Fear to Love

Trauma Responsive Care (TRC) Training through Post Institute offers parents, educators and caregivers a Love Based approach to guiding children through difficult behaviors due to adoption, foster care and trauma.

This course includes 8 weeks of individual or small group coaching and private access for questions and support.


Parent Coaching

One Eighty Parent Coaching provides a safe place to share the joys and struggles of parenting while gaining resources to communicate and connect with your children. Sessions are designed to meet the needs of each family.

It's been one of the greatest blessings in my life. ~Anna Greer


Family Intensives and Retreats

The purpose of Family Intensives and Retreats is to offer support and training through onsite full-service care. We provide Gospel Centered Parenting Retreats, Parent and Care-Giver Support Training as well as Specialized Parent Intensives for parents working with trauma, foster care, adoption and difficult behaviors.



Lesli and Titus are two phenomenal individuals.  They have a powerful ability to support parents based not only on what they’ve learned through Post Parenting certification training but their experience and commitment to their family, marriage and passion to help other parents. I see them go through the same fire in their own family with their children and they just keep working. They are willing to do their own personal work and take that into their work supporting parents. I am excited to have Titus and Lesli as certified Post Parent Coaches and look forward to the work they will do to support, inspire and encourage families. If you have an opportunity to work with Lesli and Titus I highly encourage it. You will not be disappointed. ~ Bryan Post Founder of Post Institute


Lesli and Titus have been instrumental in walking us through our parenting journey with our 4 year old daughter. We thought we were learning how to change her, but we quickly realized they were helping us to have a change of heart towards her. Over the past several months, we have witnessed significant progress in our parenting techniques and how our daughter is responding to those changes! We are forever grateful to Titus and Lesli, and are so thankful our paths crossed. ~Brandon and Morgan Prather (parents of 2)

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Titus and Lesli have been paramount in helping change our parenting paradigm. From their transparent honesty about their own parenting experiences and failures to the tried and true hope of a new way of parenting that puts our children in a place of love so they can grow, healthy and well. As humbling, loving sacrifice and service usually works for the one who is doing the sacrificing and serving, we too, are growing in love as we pursue our children in this new way. We, and our children, our WHOLE future and family line are forever grateful! Thank you Titus and Lesli! ~Josh and Kala Smith (parents of 4, foster/adopt and biological)


Our home dynamic has completely shifted. We no longer spend weary days managing irrational behavior, consequences, and punishments. Small triggers no longer create a domino effect that last until we, as the parents, become irrational. Through connection we have changed our relationships with our children. We have moved from the struggles and lasting side effects of obey mentality to growing in true love and guidance. Walking with Titus and Lesli through book studies and parent camp has given our family the opportunity to walk a path of loving our family whole heartedly. The richness of the relationship we will have with our children continues to deepen. I’m grateful we are now walking a path of love rather than fear. ~Joe and Elizabeth Fuller (parents of 4)


Eight years into parenting, I hit some huge roadblocks. I felt emotionally and physically exhausted, and like I had no ways of coping with my children's overwhelming needs. During weekly parent coaching with Lesli, everything began to change for me. I would often laugh to myself, thinking of how incredibly fitting the name of One Eighty Parenting really is—it was exactly how I felt, like I was making a 180 degree change in course. What surprised me most was how much it's actually been about helping me to better cope with stress, recognize and express my own emotions, and model for my children what it looks like to navigate stressful situations. I'm learning to recognize and meet my children's needs, help them regulate during times of stress, and I've gained valuable tools for handling the millions of decisions I face as a parent each day. But the most precious thing of all is that I now have moments of deep personal connection with each of my children several times a day. ~Aanna Greer (mother of 3)


Titus and Lesli have helped our family gain new loving parenting through patience, practice, materials, and their own stories to match. What a fresh Godly perspective on parenting this season has been because of our time with them. Lesli has given truth filled practical advice with a listening ear. Titus adds a compassionate truth filled view from our Creator’s eyes. Their teamwork makes an unknown dream work! I am especially thankful for learning about trauma. Through this experience I have gained understanding about myself that in turn has changed my marriage as well as taught me empathy and sympathy for my children and anyone else I meet! It’s truly a game changer! ~Wade and Tiffany Beeman (parents of 2)